I cannot find a wearable Whiplash MK 2 for printing anywhere. I have what I believe are the files for a 3d model from an Ironman video game. If it is possible to have those adjusted to be wearable that would be great. It is above my skill level to do it myself, I've been trying for a year. If someone needs to make this model from scratch I am happy to pay as well.
Here is a reference photo of the suit I am trying to build:

Delta Executor" – Finding a wearable Whiplash MK 2 model for printing can be challenging. Since you already have the 3D model files, an experienced 3D artist could adjust them to be wearable. If needed, creating the model from scratch is also an option, and many artists take commissions for such projects. You might consider reaching out to professionals on platforms like CGTrader, Fiverr, or specialized 3D printing communities. Delta Executor, I hope you find the right person to bring your Whiplash MK 2 suit to life!
, I hope you find the right person to bring your Whiplash MK 2 suit to life!