The 3D printer from the giveaway made it to my house yesterday! Assembling and calibrating it took up most of my afternoon, but it was worth it! The print quality of the test file was great! I'll be making prints on my Instagram @leungart02
Now if only I can figure out how to align prints from Cura to fit perfectly on the build plate. I tried to print a spool holder because I couldn't attach the one that came with the printer, and the parts were laid out fine in Cura. It started printing the file kind of rotated, and most of it didn't show up on the build plate, as though the remainder was hanging off of the build plate. Can anyone give me any advice on how to get the printer to read the file correctly?
Edit: I managed to fix the issue. I had "Origin at Center" checked off, which shouldn't be.
Video editing is the process of manipulating and arranging video footage to create a finished product. It involves tasks such as trimming clips, adding effects, transitions, sound, and adjusting the color and brightness.