We've updated the Mega Man armor. 8x2mm magnet slots have been added with more details.
Here are some of our recommeneded supplies you may need to complete this armor : https://www.do3d.com/post/what-3d-printers-and-essential-supplies-does-do3d-recommand
If you've purchased this file before, you are eligible for a free update!
Please contact info@do3d.com with your order number to receive the updated files.
Product link :(full armor ) https://www.do3d.com/product-page/mega-man-x-armor-wearable-cosplay-prop-costume-3d-model-project-5253
(helmet only) https://www.do3d.com/product-page/mega-man-x-helmet-3d-printable-model-mm4
Thank you!

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