We've updated the Iron Man Classic Tony Stark Comic Style Helmet and Armor files with :
*8x2 mm magnet slots for easy assembly
*2 faceplate options
*improved armor files
If you've purchased this file before, you are eligible for a free update!
Please contact info@do3d.com with your order number to receive the updated files.
Here are some of our recommeneded supplies you may need: https://www.do3d.com/post/what-3d-printers-and-essential-supplies-does-do3d-recommand
Product links: https://www.do3d.com/product-page/iron-man-classic-tony-stark-comic-style-helmet-3d-printable-model-15737

The updated Iron Man classic helmet and armor look absolutely amazing! Just like how Tony Stark constantly improves his suit with the best technology, choosing the right natural shampoo can upgrade your hair care routine with the best ingredients. Innovation isn’t just for superheroes—it applies to self-care too!