I've been doing updates and improvements to my armor for a while now, be the biggest critic of your work, and whoever does this kind of thing knows that there is always something better, settling down is not an option.

So, starting with the shins.
The first version of my shins had the opening in front (yes, I planned to do it with an opening and not look like the thighs are smaller than the shins)
But there was a problem, when walking, the opening of the opening was quite apparent, so I redid the cut and moved to the rear.

Now, knees. They were attached to the thighs, didn’t like it, found it aesthetically ugly to talk and, in addition, hindered movement. So, I separated the knee plate from the thigh and put a rubber band behind it to fix it on my leg, and to fill the space that remained, the rubber mat that I already presented to you in the other post. https://www.do3d.com/forum/3d-printing-tips-tricks/assembling?origin=member_posts_page

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