Then you ask yourself, when I see all the pieces ready, how am I going to put all this together and make it stay in place? Well, this can be a starting point.

There are several ways to do it, velcro, magnets, quick couplings, nylon tape, basically I use all of this on my armor, at different points.. Initially to attach the thighs, biceps and shoulders, I use this "vest" with quick couplings, it is simple to do.
After some adjustments, I removed the shoulders from this system and added the wings, so that their weight is supported by my shoulders and not by the armor.

See which parts you think it is necessary to attach to that system, many times it may not be necessary or perhaps using other modes is easier to dress or fasten .. not everything is the same for everyone.

To close gaps in the legs, arms and other places, I used a rubber mat (the kind you find at home supply stores) Like This. It is a cheap, simple, easy solution, just find one that already has the desired color.
It does not require any flexible printing or need to make mold and work with silicone.

But what about the rest of the pieces? how to fix? As I said, there are several ways to do it, particularly, I use velcro and neodymium magnets to fix the body parts together Place in specific points, spread on the sides, and if you can, have two velcro sizes.

Basically this is it, look for the points where the plates come together, see where the weight will be supported, try to bring the maximum weight to the body (in case you have accessories such as wings or external weapons), and do TESTS, many, many TESTS.

It can feel overwhelming to figure out how to make everything come together, especially when dealing with mold issues. But don't worry, can help. Their expert team will ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to properly remove mold and restore your space, so it stays safe and secure