Here it goes im an 18 year old kid and This is my lab i run 3 3dprinters of Various sized and use a variaty of materials. My main printer the teirtime up300 is an amazing printer,i am currently printing the mk 39 starboost helmet thats free on do3D its large build plate is great for printing this helmet and many others in one piece and it has all the sensors and nick nacks that allow minimal filament wastage. With 3 different quick connect printheads for polycarbonate/abs, pla and tpu is easy to swap heads and keep going. https://3dprintersuperstore.com.au/products/up300 only downfall is that the slicing software that it uses is very simple you cant cut objects up or change print speed easily. The other printer the creator pro was my first its a great little printer for beginners although limited size it took 2 months to completly print the stormbreaker seen on the wall. https://www.3dprintergear.com.au/flashforge-creator-pro-3d-printer

Polymakers polycarbonate max is great filament it provides smooth easily sand-able surfaces that come out smooth as anything. any polymaker filament is great there pla max is great too!.
current projects im working in are the mk 45 ironman helmet, the mk 39 starboost helmet (free on do3D full suit coming soon) and a captain rex clone trooper helmet all going well. as well as my finished items Stormbreaker and Mjölnir deadpool hand kanan jarrus lightsaber bobafett doom and an ironman arm still kinda work in progress.