Hello everyone my name is Juan and I'm from Colombia. I got my printer 3 years ago, saved up all the money I could get and bought a Anet A8 for my 13th birthday. The unassembled printer seemed a bit overwhelming for a 13 year old but I just went with it and after 7 hours of non stop work I got myself a functional 3D printer!!!
After 3 years of troubleshooting and upgrading things I can surely say that my 200$ investment worked out wonderfully, the printer is what a inexperienced guy needs. The printer came from the factory with a broken thermistor but with a little bit of searching I found the replacement and was able to get my printer to read the temperature also the build quality isn't the best but because there is a big community behind this printer you can print your own reinforcement pieces and even mod it for better prints. I went through a lot of filament brands but I settled on Esun PLA, it gives the most constant results without being overpriced. The only issue that the filament has is that it's a little bit brittle, more than any other I've worked with so you have to be careful with not snapping it in middle of a print. I added some picture the printer and the assembly itself.
Anet A8: https://m.banggood.com/Anet-A8-DIY-3D-Printer-Kit-1_75mm-or-0_4mm-Support-ABS-or-PLA-or-HIPS-p-1130694.html?cur_warehouse=CN&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc_ods&utm_campaign=arvin-led-sds-view-lightsolar-content&utm_content=arvin&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInpX3mYOm6QIVDJSzCh0-iACSEAAYASAAEgIy3fD_BwE
Esun: https://instagram.com/esun3dfilament?igshid=1lm5treaki8u1
Thanks for the recommendation, I'm just looking for a printer. I need to print out tables with Cricket betting odds https://sky247india.com/ in Sky247. They have a good website but the tables are awkwardly laid out with small numbers. But this way I will print it out and there will be no problems with betting predictions.