Hey all!
For my post id like to write about my creality s5. I purchased this machine from tinymachines which is based in Texas. This isn't my only printer but it is the own I want to write about for my post!

Some stats about my s5:
Build volume: 500mm cubed
Nozzle size: 0.4
Total time spent printing: 374 hours
Pros and Cons
The biggest pro for a printer like this is obviously its build size, I haven't come across a part too big for my printer as of yet. Another pro is from the fact that I purchased this printer from tiny machines since they add on their own custom firmware to the printer which allows it to keep a variety of custom stats along with general firmware upgrades.
The Cons are pretty much limited to print time. Running a standard size nozzle (which I plan to upgrade down the road) often results in insane print times. The current print which was half of DO3D's MK 5 briefcase printed at 113% took roughly 80 hours to complete. I can definitely say this printer taught me to get more comfortable with leaving the machine running overnight!

Current projects:
Currently, the main project i am working on is the previously mentioned mk 5 briefcase. I wanted to print it at the scale i did so i can print the other half of the case on my standard cr10s (also from Tinymachines) after finishing this one up I plan to print it at a larger scale as I believe its current size is smaller than in the movie.
If you guys have any questions please ask away!
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