Hi Everyone,
My first ever Cosplay I made was a Space Marine from the warhammer 40k universe. I used a mixture of 3d printed parts and foam to make this armor come alive.
I extremely recommend the cr-10. I currently own the cr-10 v2. The printer is perfect for the price, its print quality is great and it is one of the few printers where you can modify it yourself to make it far better than its default/factory. Whether its adding new electronics to access it without needing to use a cable or memory stick or 3d printing parts that elevate it higher so you can fit the motherboard underneath, there is so much to explore to make the printer unique to you. The print bed size was also perfect that I was able to 3d print the entire helmet of my marine as well as being able to print more fingers for my articulated powerfist in one go. The inside of my suit used 3d printed connectors and joints to keep the foam structure strong and stable.
In regards to software I used a mixture which are Fusion 360, Meshmixer, cura and armored garage.
The one software that helped me the most for this cosplay would have to be the armor designer. I was able to scale the correct size of the space marine based on the lore. I also find out how tall I needed to be and how long my powerfists had to be for my hands to fit and move the fingers. Then I used pepakura knowing that my scales are fine and unfolded it for printing. If you do not know what it is, its basically paper folding but you can use it for foam instead of paper for cosplay.
One software I can't seem to grasp would be simplify 3d. I heard great things about how the supports are easy to remove than cura and the print time is less. I find that this software is not very beginner friendly due to the complexity of finding certain tools or settings. Cura on the other hand has a drop down menu where it can list everything you need to adjust your prints which is very useful. Simplify 3d is an advanced tool so it probably is a good software to use if you know how to use it. Plus it is a bit pricey at around $150 I believe whereas cura is free. So I would prefer using cura than simplify 3d but it wont stop me from trying to learn how to use the software.
I'm now trying to work on a dr fate from do3d for a friend and Monster Hunter Cosplay which is proving to be quite difficult but it will be all worth it when its done. After all if making cosplay was easy, everyone would be doing it.
Hope you enjoyed reading this