A year ago today, I got my Creality Ender 3 Pro, and there have been a lot of ups and downs with it. It went together fairly easy, but I had problems with binding on the Z Axis. That took some fixing, and then I started printing files off Thingiverse. I've had some great prints, some okay prints, and some "eh" prints. Luckily, there is a wealth of information on how to fix issues online, and replacement parts aren't that much. I've been trying to take the time since quarantine started to do more than just download, level, print, and hope for the best, buy taking it apart, learning how to put it back together, replacing work parts, and essentially figuring out how to fix issues without resorting to hair spray and better slicing profiles.
That being said, it's not perfect. The extruder is plastic and wears out fast, so you'll have to get a replacement metal one. The beds are warped, so a glass bed is almost a must. I also had to get replacement springs for the bed, but otherwise it's a stock machine, without any upgrades. Filament has generally been whatever is decently priced with good reviews on Amazon or Matterhackers.

I've been using it a lot for household items (planters, pencil holders) as well as geek stuff, like dice towers and prop replicas (pistol from Battlestar Galactica, rifle from Overwatch). It's been a lot of fun to learn, and with some recent issues, it's showing me I have a lot more to learn, but that's okay.
So, as I said, this is a Creality Ender 3 Pro (Creality website)!