Hello, I'm looking for a list of the pieces for the separated files that is provided. They are named by numbers, but I would like to know what each piece is, especially the fingers. Does anyone know where the Comprehensive video tutorial mentioned in the description is?
Thank you,

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Rene, unfortunately, I can not help you in a specific situation, but I want to say that lately I have begun to be interested in 3D modeling, or whatever it is called. I would love to watch the video tutorial. I like to develop all-round. Here's where I have a gap, it's the spelling of the text. So I had to buy letter of recommendation and it was one of the best decisions. I concluded that this is a real team of professionals. Why do I trust this service? They just offer free proofreading by another specialist. And I am calm and confident that my document will not contain errors.
I've been fighting with these files for several day now, there is no way this model was ever tested with a person. The arm pieces are quite good once you scale it up to 150% but the hand/finger pieces are completely unusable. I'm very disappointed. I'd be curious to see if anyone has successfully used this model.
If you import the files, each finger armor shell will be positioned in its original location, making it easy to identify each one. Which software do you use?
The screenshot you are referring to is from our old website, which is outdated and was created 10 years ago. The new site no longer has that description. You can find all useful tutorials at https://www.do3d.com/forum/3d-printing-tips-tricks?origin=business_manager. Additionally, there are many resources and tutorials on YouTube now.